Monday, September 28, 2009


This Wednesday, September 30th, we will be heading to Brainerd for the 44th B.A.Y. Rally!  We will be leaving the church at 6:10 p.m. and if you would like to go you need a signed note from your parent giving you permission to attend this event.  We may stop at McDonald's in Garrison afterwards so you might want to bring some spare change for cheeseburger, ice cream cone, or whatever it is that you like.  If you have any questions give me a call!  Have a great day!

-Pastor Levi

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Arrrrrrr ye ready for a challenge?!

Hey everybody!  I just wanted to update you all on what's going on for the rest of September.  Remember, that next week we will not be having Youth Group but will instead be listening to Jay Howard upstairs in the sanctuary if you'd like to join us.  For more information on Jay Howard and when he is speaking, contact the church office.  Please do remember as well that next Wednesday the 23rd is "See You At The Pole"!  I encourage you all to attend and to stand up for what you believe in and show people that you love Jesus!  Lastly, don't miss our late nite mini golf adventure at Pirate's Cove!  The plan is to leave the church at 7:00 p.m. and play a round of mini golf.  There will be a prize for the winner and then afterwards we will be going to Applebees for some appetizers!  For more information on this event contact me by calling the church office.  I hope you are all having a great day!  Remember to  practice your mini golf skills...I don't want to win to0 easily :P

-Pastor Levi

Monday, September 7, 2009

School is now in session!

It's labor day today and that means that tomorrow school in Minnesota will once again be in session.  Before you begin to moan and groan at the though of homework, tests, and quizzes take a moment to think about what we have learned at Youth Group this summer...

We learned about Jesus and how He lived.  We learned that he cared for people and met their needs.  We learned that he stood up for what was right even when it wasn't popular.  We learned that Jesus ultimately conquered sin, death, and the grave for us so that we could have a second chance to live for Him.

Knowing these things and knowing that we who claim to be in Him need to walk like Jesus, I challenge you this fall to make an impact for Christ in your school.  You have a tremendous opportunity before you to reach your friends for Christ and to share his love and kindness with them.  Don't be afraid to stand up for your faith and to do what is right!  Live like Jesus: care for people, reach out to those in need.  Jesus has conquered sin and death and has given us the strength and ability through the Holy Spirit to live for Him and represent Him to our teachers, bus drivers, friends, coaches and others.  This fall instead of just taking tests and doing homework...let's make an impact for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  What is it that you can do this fall to show Jesus to others?

-Pastor Levi